
Latest News from NoHoWest

Homeless Encampment Clean Up Process

Community members have expressed concern about the challenges around clearing homeless encampments large and small. We would like to share this information about the process provided by LAPD Officer Carol Sawarmura.

March 18th, 2025|

MyLA311 Week

Use the MyLA311 to report illegal dumping, potholes, graffiti, street lighting and more.

March 4th, 2025|

Park Needs Assessment

Community input will be critical for the Park Needs Assessment, and RAP is inviting members of the community to join engagement events, fill out surveys, and share their park needs.

March 4th, 2025|

NoHoWest Mission

The North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council of the City of Los Angeles is dedicated to serve as a voice in the best interest of the community quality of life within the City’s decision-making process and to provide an open forum in which stakeholders may discuss and resolve community issues

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Community Events


Adopt a friend this weekend: https://www.laanimalservices.com/
Join in the fun of MyLA 311 Week
Visit any of our six LA Animal Services Centers this Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9 for the Daylight Savings Adoption Weekend! ⏰ During the event, adoption fees for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens will be reduced.

Join us for the next NoHo West Neighborhood Council Meeting on Wednesday, March 12, 6:30pm online.

On our agenda:

-Grant for Beautify LA

Agenda: https://nohowest.org/calendar/board-meeting-12-2025-03-12/
Zoom meeting Online or By Telephone:
Dial 888-475-4499 to Join the Meeting
Then enter This Webinar ID:
833 8596 0927 and Press #
Come to the Park Needs Assessment Meeting March 8, 10am at Victory Vineland Rec Center, 11117 Victory and share your ideas about our parks!
Are you interested in aviation? Here’s your chance to soar! The Youth Leadership Airport Academy (YLAA) is a leadership development initiative designed to engage local youth in aviation, airport operations, and civic leadership. Through hands-on experiences, mentorship, and interactive workshops, you can gain valuable skills to prepare for leadership roles in aviation and beyond.
Register today: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeF5LP49fNLYNQrgfYKLZ1iBGxv5vwavYSWAbAmmpijVkSBYQ/viewform
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