
Latest News from NoHoWest

LA2050 Ambassadors & Listens

Through LA2050 Listens, they will give grants of $5,000 to social impact organizations to host conversations about the future of LA with their communities.

February 18th, 2022|

Rent Relief

If COVID-19 has affected your ability to pay or receive rent and utility payments, the State of California may be able to help you. Income-eligible renters and their landlords may receive 100% financial assistance through the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program.

February 18th, 2022|

2021 Year in Review: Making NoHo West Home

In 2021 your NoHo West Neighborhood Council has been focused on supporting the community through beautification, Neighborhood Purpose Grants, and community outreach. Despite the pandemic and meeting virtually, we’ve been able to achieve much this year!

December 29th, 2021|

NoHoWest Mission

The North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council of the City of Los Angeles is dedicated to serve as a voice in the best interest of the community quality of life within the City’s decision-making process and to provide an open forum in which stakeholders may discuss and resolve community issues

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