
Latest News from NoHoWest

Bellaire Pocket Park Burned

NoHo West President Carol Rose has been in contact with Councilmember Paul Krekorian's Office, who originally helped plan, pay for, build and dedicate the park. We are in the planning stages. Repairs are estimated to be around $100,000. 

August 21st, 2020|

Statewide Flex Alert

A golden opportunity to point out to our stakeholders the massive benefit of having a municipally owned water & power utility. A Boardmember firmly agrees with the flex alert requirements, but isn't it comforting to know that LADWP has NEVER (NOT ONCE) enforced the rolling blackouts that PG&E, SDG&E and Edison have been required to make?

August 18th, 2020|

NoHoWest Mission

The North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council of the City of Los Angeles is dedicated to serve as a voice in the best interest of the community quality of life within the City’s decision-making process and to provide an open forum in which stakeholders may discuss and resolve community issues

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