
Latest News from NoHoWest

LAUSD Reopening Survey

LAUSD is surveying parents to find out what their preferences are regarding reopening schools in the fall: remote learning, on campus full time, hybrid and the details surrounding all that.

June 19th, 2020|

All Meetings Cancelled In March

We have received notice that all Neighborhood Council board, committee, alliance, and liaison meetings - as well as all other NC-related events - are suspended up to and including March 31, 2020. Stay up to date at County Health.

March 13th, 2020|

Slope Planting Brings Color to Community

We are pleased to report that the Whitsett slope near the North Hollywood Mural was recently planted. The new drought tolerant native plants include more flowering bushes to add more color to the slope. We are working with Woods Maintenance to make the slope even more beautiful than before.

February 26th, 2020|

NoHoWest Mission

The North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council of the City of Los Angeles is dedicated to serve as a voice in the best interest of the community quality of life within the City’s decision-making process and to provide an open forum in which stakeholders may discuss and resolve community issues

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