ribbon cutting

June 4 NoHo West Neighborhood Council, North Hollywood North East Neighborhood Council, Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Former NHNENC President Judy Harris and the community celebrated the opening of Valley Plaza Recreation Center’s new playground.

Judy Harris, Paul Krekorian

Councilmember Krekorian remarked, “A decade ago, when I was first elected to the Council, Valley Plaza Park was not a safe place for families. But through the years my office worked closely with the community to move gang members out and bring families back. The result is that the park is now filled with the unmistakable sounds of happy children. Today we celebrated another milestone in this effort with the formal inauguration of a beautiful new playground at Valley Plaza Park. The timing could not be better, as we come out of the pandemic and children are able to leave the house and play with their friends.”

Valley Plaza Playground

Thank you to Councilmember Paul Krekorian and NoHo West Treasurer Leslie Myrick-Rose for the photos.