Earthquake Preparedness Town Hall with Dr. Lucy Jones

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From Assemblymember Nazarian:

Earthquakes & Seismic Resiliency Town Hall with Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, Senator Ben Allen & Dr. Lucy Jones

Neighbors and friends,

The COVID-19 pandemic has made more apparent than ever the importance of preparing before crisis strikes. As such, I’ve worked to support and expand California’s Brace and Bolt program, update building codes, and advance legislation to protect lives and property when the “Big One” hits. There are also steps each of us can take to prepare our families, our communities, and our state for large earthquakes, so I wanted to let you know about an upcoming opportunity to learn more.

Join Senator Ben Allen and me for a conversation about earthquakes and seismic resiliency with LA’s own seismologist and disaster risk reduction expert, Dr. Lucy Jones on December 7th at 7:00 PM on Zoom or Livestreamed on Facebook.

I encourage you to RSVP at your earliest convenience and join us for an informative evening.

December 7, 2021, 7 – 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: Zoom link will be provided to those who RSVP and the event will be live-streamed via Facebook.

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