Have you seen the vibrant art boxes cropping up around NoHo West? We have sponsored artist Paul Juno as he paints 15 boxes all over NoHo West. Check them out!

art box at Stagg and Whitsett

April 8, 2022:

Artist Paul Juno painting the first of 15 boxes around North Hollywood West at Stagg and Whitsett. The last three days on Whitsett and Stagg were hot but very rewarding. The local traffic all seem to love the design, so many countless thumbs ups and shouts of positivity from their cars saying “looking great!” I varnished the design tonight so it is protected on the street. Looking forward to the next one, I will start that on Monday and I’ll update y’all on where I’ll be painting.

Animals Playing Soccer

Paul Juno, the artist, reported in around April 11, 2022:

This is the box at Whitsett and Vanowen. This shows the animals playing soccer in the MC Escher inspired universe, very much looking forward to it!

Floral Art Box

Paul Juno, the artist, reported in on April 14, 2022:

Another box mural complete on Coldwater Canyon & Vose. The weather proved to be perfect and the community was very happy to see color on this corner. I actually received a constant outpouring of positive support from the local community. It was continuous thumbs ups and grateful comments as people walked and drove by. As usual the box received two coats of Permashield tonight to protect it, and it’s on to the next one!

Polished art box

Paul Juno, the artist, reported in on April 22:

The Whitsett & Roscoe electrical box is complete. When I first arrived the box was in pretty poor condition, so I spent the first day prepping the box fully, scraping off as much old paint, posters and stickers that I could before applying two solid coats of primer. Once ready I wanted to make this box extra special, seeing as it has such high visibility and is directly across the street from a high school. I delicately painted each line of color to ensure the design vibrated like a shiny polished agate. The end result is like candy for the eyes, it garnered a large positive reaction from those who drove and walked by, including a few selfies in front of the box itself. I went out tonight and added two thick coats of Permashield to protect it. I’m very happy with how this one turned out, the colors are truly a delight to see in person.

Stairs-And-Ladders Art Box

April 27, 2022 Artist Report:

I just finished adding a double coat of Permashield onto the completed box on Coldwater Canyon and Bassett. This one was quite fun, as the nearby school ended each day the kids and their parents commented with positive feedback as they walked by. I’ll be back at the next box starting on Tuesday of next week.

Powerful Green

May 5, 2022 Artist Report:

Coldwater Canyon & Strathern was a totally enjoyable experience, the green brushstrokes truly pop behind the beige and grey surroundings. As usual, the local traffic gave positive feedback as I was painting, and were really happy to see some color on the block. The box is sealed with two coats of Permashield and protected from the elements. I’ll update everyone on where I’ll be painting the next electrical box either tomorrow or Monday, Thank you.

Night at the Park Coldwater & Saticoy Night at the Park Coldwater & SaticoyNight at the Park Coldwater & Saticoy

May 8, 2022:

I just finished painting Coldwater Canyon and Saticoy and gave it two full coats of Permashield. The local traffic all gave positive feedback, and I received many honks and thumbs-ups from people in their cars. I know I tend to repeat myself in these recaps but a lot of the same stuff happens on each box; I really liked how this design works for the electrical box dynamic, the colors vibrate very well in person and warrants any passerby to seek out the full 360 degree view of the mural. Coldwater Canyon & Raymer will be the next two I paint starting Monday.


Coldwater Canyon & Raymer Coldwater Canyon & Raymer Coldwater Canyon & Raymer

May 12, 2022

I just added a triple coat of Permashield onto the Coldwater Canyon and Raymer location, hopefully they won’t be tagged too much. I mirrored the colors to each other, having the designs mimic one another so they feel connected. I am very happy with how they turned out, the colors vibrate so intensely when the sun hits them. This was the first time I was able to paint two boxes side by side, which was a real treat, the compositions truly work next to each other. Only five boxes left, I plan to paint Saticoy S & Whitsett next, starting either later today or next week on Monday.


May 18, 2022:

I finished up the box on Whitsett & Saticoy South last night and gave it two coats of Permashield to protect it. The location was very, very positive with the sunset colors, almost non-stop thumb-ups from people in their cars, it was a great time. I’ll be prepping and painting the next box, Whitsett & Saticoy N tomorrow and Friday from around 10-3pm.

Purple flowers box

May 20, 2022

I just finished the electrical box on Whitsett & Saticoy N, giving it a couple coats of Permashield to protect it. Many of the locals who live near this box made it a point to come out and talk to me and give me positive feedback with not only this box, but the multiple ones I painted around the area. I received a lot of praise for painting for the community, and thankful comments about the city creating a program to introduce art into the community. It was a very satisfying painting session and I feel like these box murals truly make a positive impact on the neighborhood. I’ll be back next week painting on Monday and update ya’ll on where I plan to be, only 3 more to go!

Rainy Day Art Box

May 25, 2022

The electrical box design for Bellaire & Saticoy South is complete and protected with two coats of Permashield. The colors truly pop off the box with the grey wall backdrop, and the rain motif works really well with the Department of Water and Power across the street. I’ll be prepping the next box, Coldwater Canyon & Elkwood later today and will be working on the design from 10-3pm throughout the rest of the week.

coldwater cantara art box

June 1, 2022

Tonight I finished the flower design on Coldwater Canyon & Cantara and gave it two coats of Permashield to protect it. I really like how bright and vibrant the red flower is, it really sings in the sun. There was a lot of positive feedback on this one, a lot of horns honked and thumbs-up given. Thank you for following the 15 box mural marathon, I had a great time painting these designs for Noho West, thank you for the opportunity.