Mayor Garcetti has launched a Clean Streets Initiative as part of his Back to Basics agenda. The initiative is working to clean up all 70,000 street blocks in the City of L.A. In NoHoWest, Board Member Charles Savinar stepped up to be our point person in this campaign. If you are interested in working with NoHoWest on this important effort, please contact Charles.


The lead agency is of course the Bureau of Sanitation. Some of the steps in the timeline include:

By July 1, 2015
BOS creates a Clean Streets Strike Team to work with current city teams to target cleanups where needed most.
Office of Community Beautification (OCB) will develop a plan to empower nonprofits working under contract with OCB to designate employees to the Clean Street Corps to report waste in communities.

By August 1, 2015
BOS presents plan to increase number of City owned trash receptacles by 1,250 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16.

By September 1, 2015
DONE (Department Of Neighborhood Empowerment) working with BOS create an outreach plan for recruiting and training members of NCs for the Clean Streets Corps.  BPW will approve plan and within 1 year of tis approval provide outreach to every NC.
BPW with BOS & OCB will develop plans to recruit and train members of Mayor’s Volunteer Corps & other community groups for the Clean Street Corps.

By October 1, 2015
BOS, BPW & OCB will develop a street by street cleanliness assessment system for guiding the deployment of City services.
BOS will develop a plan to deploy 5 full time Clean Streets inspectors (to begin in January 2016) to perform bimonthly city wide assessments with the street by street cleanliness assessment system.

By November 1,2015
BPW, BOS, OCB, Bureau of Street Services, & LAPD, will develop a plan to maximize enforcement of laws regarding illegal dumping of waste.  City attorney will join the effort.  Plan will consider necessary staffing levels, technology & partnership s among the City Attorney, LAPD, & DPW.

By December 1, 2015
BOS with Office of City Clerk & Bureau of Street Services will develop a database of all trash receptacles (and who owns them) in the City; proposed standards & regulations for all trash receptacles, & a plan for assuming responsibility for maintaining all trash receptacles in the City before January 1,2017.
BOS to develop plan for increasing number of City owned trash receptacles by 1,250 in each year in FY 2016-17; 2017-18 & 2018-19.

By January 1,2016
BOS with OCB will complete a baseline street by street a cleanliness assessment of the City.

All plans, progress reports, and performance metrics will be submitted to the Mayor’s Office of City Services and the Board of Public Works.

LA Times article on Clean Streets