On Saturday, December 10, 2016 NoHoWest and North Hollywood Northeast had a joint event at the Valley Plaza Park called Holiday in the Oaks. In spite of some last minute planning challenges, it all came off beautifully and we would like to thank Judy Harris with her smile and Chuck Loring with his perseverance and commitment to the community. We appreciate NHNENC and their can do attitude to pull off this amazing event. These two boards have always worked together, but never hand in hand like this. there were 150 people at the park enjoying the entertainment.

Thank you too to Leslie Myrick, for her photos and all the work she did before, during, and after the event; Jim Kompare for supporting the Board and Outreach; Freddy for helping and providing photos; the crew from Valley Plaza Rec Center: Pat, Evan Marlo, Diego and more; the Upward Bound group and Lorraine Diaz.

Holiday in the Oaks: A Wonderful Celebration