The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system is a miracle.

It is not perfect in size, potential or scope, but, oh, how right it is in just about every other aspect.

Judging by my four years as President of the North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council, there is no better place or way to improve the community, city, state or country than through the efforts of the members of the 96 councils that make-up this painstakingly beautiful, patriotic and successful endeavor in brotherhood, sisterhood and civic betterment and beautification.

Whether it is the Whitsett Slope which my council beautified with the courageous help of the North Hollywood Northeast Neighborhood Council and Council Member Paul Krekorian’s District Two Office or the Woodman Walls which we improved with the aid of Krekorian’s office, the point of light in Western North Hollywood is lit by this Neighborhood Council and the system that gave it birth.

On this, the 15th anniversary of the Neighborhood Council system, we, the citizens of Los Angeles and the proud board members of these rivers of relevance must remember the city without the NC system.

But more importantly, we must choose to recognize the importance and significance of these 96 points of light in not only bringing the city together, but opening the doors to its very own citizens and the rest of the world.

It is rare indeed that a city can spawn such a dynamic and open-minded system of neighborhood associations and alliances.

Not many towns in the country, if any, can give their civic leaders and city councils a vast local array of capillaries, arteries and veins that they can lean on in difficult times.

Nor do they offer their citizenry the chance to make such a huge difference not only in their lives, but in that of the hamlet in which they dwell.

When I came on board as President those seemingly short 48 months ago, I was unsure and in doubt as to my worthiness and, quite frankly, the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Council system.

Today, however, after many trials and tribulations, I am steadfastly convinced that the NC system in the City of Angels is a God send and revelation politically, socially, economically, scientifically and spiritually.

After all, where else could these 15 candles have burned so brightly over 96 points of light that Neighborhood Councils are no longer a mystery or possibility, but a given.

Radomir Luza
President, NoHo West

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