Universal City/North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for a Holiday Dinner

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Join your Universal City/North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for a Holiday Dinner on December 12th, 6P.M. at Olympus Greek Restaurant located at 6304 Laurel Canyon Blvd in North Hollywood. Only $25 per person includes the following…

Hummous Dip with Pita
Moutabel Dip
Tzatziki Dip
Feta Cheese and Olives
Greek Salad
Chicken and Beef Shish Kabob
Mar Veggies
Rice and Potatoes
Soft Drinks and Coffee
Gratuity is included in the $25 cost…

Payment must be made prior to the event and must be received no later than December 11th, 2017
Payment can be made by clicking the link below…

HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE…For more information, contact Dorothy at the office…818-508-5155

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