Waste Not: Opening Celebration

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Disposable containers

This will be the unveiling of the Contemporary Museum of Temporary Containers. We worked with the local teens and senior groups, and collected nearly 1500 single-use food containers from the families who use the Valley Plaza Park in North Hollywood. We will make a sprawling display of the community’s collection, spanning the north side of the park. The containers are sorted and colored according to size and material. The project aims to make banal food container something worthy of closer viewing, while contemplating creative reuse and the limits of sustainability and recycling at a critical juncture of environmental responsibility.

Learn about the state of recycling and zero waste from experts. Family friendly and accessible. RSVP appreciated.

CURRENT:LA puts a new spin on traditional international triennials by democratizing the way people access art. The initiative shifts art away from the museum environment and places temporary public art projects and public programs in the neighborhoods of Los Angeles where residents and visitors live, work, and play.

CURRENT:LA uses contemporary art as a way to deepen connections on issues affecting Los Angeles and other global cities to inspire civic discourse on those particular issues.

CURRENT:LA is funded by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.

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