Stormwater Capture Configuration

A public meeting was held June 25, 2020 to explain the upcoming stormwater capture projects planned along the 170 corridor. The purpose of these projects is to capture stormwater run off to increase local water supply and improve local water quality with the objective of helping Los Angeles source 70% of its water locally. Additional benefits include mitigating local flooding, expanding sports fields and playgrounds, job creation and environmental education and awareness.

The DWP plans to take advantage of local parks to collect the stormwater and allow it to recharge the groundwater.

Parks included are from north to south:

  • David M. Gonzales Recreation Center in Pacoima, Construction planned for August 2023
  • Fernangeles Park, Sun Valley, Construction planned for February 2022
  • Strathern Park North, North Hollywood, Construction planned for February 2022
  • Whitsett Fields Park North, North Hollywood, Construction planned for January 2025
  • Valley Plaza Park North, Construction planned for August 2023
  • Valley Plaza Park South, North Hollywood, Construction planned for January 2025
  • Alexandria Park, North Hollywood, Construction planned for January 2025
  • North Hollywood Park, Construction planned for August 2023
  • Valley Village Park, Construction planned for February 2022

Stormwater Capture Parks Program Presentation

For more information contact:

Christina Holland,

Sr. Public Relations Specialist | Communications and Public Affairs
