Dr. Lucy Jones: Preparing for Increasing Risk from Natural Disasters!

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Dr. Lucy Jones

Our community’s risk from natural disasters is increasing, and Southern California is just waiting for the Big One (8+ magnitude earthquake) to hit, with shaking lasting for MINUTES and not mere seconds as with the 1994 Northridge earthquake. When homes, businesses, and our infrastructure is destroyed, societal functioning itself is in danger of collapsing. Dr. Jones will show us that through science and effective planning, we can better understand what the risk is and how to address it. We all have a role to play in making our communities much more resilient to these future disasters through the choices we make today and tomorrow.

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Presented and sponsored by Southern California Preparedness Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Co-sponsored by Patriot Oil Community Benefit Trust Fund, as administered by the North Valley Coalition.

For more information on this Speaker please visit www.prhspeakers.com.

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