Committee Chair: Adriana Gomez

Meeting Schedule: Meets as needed, see our Calendar

Mission Statement:

The NoHoWest NC Land Use Committee monitors and reports to the Board on land use, zoning, planning issues and complaints for specific projects and developments located in the NoHoWest area only, as well as other City and/or State proposals that affect the status quo and the quality of life regarding current codes and zoning regulations. It may represent the Board at hearings before Zoning Administrators, City Council Committees and City Council.

The Land Use Committee is tasked with making timely decisions and recommendations on specific projects, modifications, CUP applications, and zone changes that are proposed for the NoHoWest neighborhood, and to review larger development issues such as overlay zoning proposals, general plan modifications, overall density issues, and issues of height and bulk of proposed developments, and to present to the Board of the NoHoWest Council our best efforts to determine what serves the interest of the community.