Hi Neighbors….. Our street here got these “Advisory Notices” re curb Painting this morning…and if you have not received one yet (taped to your door) you might in the near future. They are saying its voluntary and no charge, however “THE VALUE IS $20.00” is in extra bold and on its own line…. which might be deceiving.

I believe this “Curb Addressing Services” “company” is located in Southgate and are not listed with the Better Business Bureau. You will note there is no information about the company, their address, or contact phone number or permit number …nothing… Beware.

We found the following when searching for information about curb painting which you may be interested in. They WILL come back to try and get $20 off of you and it is up to you if you want to pay them ANYTHING. We have had very aggressive people come back a few times to collect. When we asked to see a permit…he scurried off. We were gone once..and came back to a painted curb..and then a guy kept coming back and yelling at us for not taping the note on the curb to NOT paint. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT ANYTHING ON YOUR CURB to not paint or to paint. He came back about 3 times…angrier and angrier.

So… bottom line…you DO NOT have to pay anything for this service. It’s up to you. $20 to paint a number in two seconds….is pretty good pay!! We would never give them a personal check since there is no company information or anything about THEM on this little notice. Just think about all the homes on one block and if they got $20 per home……well that’s a nice day’s pay.

George & Nancy
Teesdale Neighborhood Watch

NBC Article on Curb Painting

Image from NBC