Fireworks of any kind are against the law in the Valley. You cannot light off fireworks, not even the Safe and Sane fireworks. Dogs and other pets can’t handle the fireworks and get loose.

Possession or use of fireworks can range from a fine of up to $1,000, to jail for up to one year. Some fireworks are considered a felony and can carry penalties of time in state prison. There is ZERO tolerance.

With the drought we have dry trees and brush, which is a huge fire danger. With windy conditions, many houses can be at risk with just one fire starting from a careless firework.

If you see or hear fireworks in your area, call the Non-­Emergency # and report the address to  1-­877-­275-­5273. Follow up with your Neighborhood Watch block captain so they can forward the address to your Senior Lead Officer.

Thank you and enjoy a safe 4th of July Holiday Season.