Photoshoped Los Angeles sign in front of the Biltmore Hotel

The Center for the Study of Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount University is preparing to conduct a survey of city of LA residents about their attitudes and opinions of police and community relations in Los Angeles. We need your help. To write the best set of questions to use in the survey, we are calling on our community partners to provide feedback and ensure that diverse voices are contributing to the wording of the questions.

We will be releasing all of the data from the study publicly and our research center will also be presenting the data directly to those who participate in the focus groups. Additionally, we will be available to help individuals and organizations work with our data for use in grant proposals, articles, and other written forms.

Feedback from members of your council and neighborhood will help us make decisions on the themes and wording of the questions that will be asked of Angelenos starting in August. If you are interested in joining, please email with a 45 minute time window between July 14-July 24 that works best for you.

Participation is voluntary and anything you say during the focus group will be kept strictly confidential. StudyLA will not release any information that can be linked to you. Our research team, under the leadership of Fernando Guerra and Brianne Gilbert, is available to answer any questions you may have about the study. You are also welcome to call us at 310-338-1797.

Quick Summary of Police and Community Relations Survey Feedback Sessions

Who: our community partners in groups of 1-4 people from each organization

What: join us for feedback session on the themes and wording of the questions

When: for 45 minutes between July 14-July 24 on a date/time of your choosing

Where: via zoom (preferably) or phone

Why: to help StudyLA at LMU conduct a relevant survey of police and community relations

We hope that you will be able to join us for this important discussion.