The North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council recently filed a grievance against the Mid-Town North Hollywood Neighborhood Council for an illegal and unfounded name change.

In a August 3rd Special Meeting, MTNHNC voted 10-1 for changing its name to NORTH HOLLYWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL, thereby making it seem as if it was the only neighborhood council in North Hollywood.

The vote, which the No Ho West NC was not consulted on, goes directly against the rules and regulations of both the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) and the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC).

Either DONE or BONC must OK such a name change, and neither was even brought into the loop by MTNHNC.

What MTNHNC’s new moniker means is that it will soon attempt to redistribute its poorer and more dysfunctional districts to the other two North Hollywood Neighborhood Councils.

The new name is also a very clear infringement on No Ho West NC’s sovereignty and its power to govern itself within its said boundaries.

The North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council condemns this abhorrent abuse of power in the strongest of terms and with the most powerful of actions.

As this Neighborhood Council’s grievance was not passed along to MTNHNC by DONE, it is imperative that stronger action be taken against MTNHNC by this council at the next General Board meeting this month at the Wat Thai Temple.

And stronger action will be taken.

When dealing with a dictator or an imperialistic force, one must not give an inch, or in the words of the late, great English Prime Minister Winston Churchill, “ever give up.”

Dictators get what they do because no one speaks up.  Nobody does anything to stop them.

If this grievance was not strong enough, the next one will be stronger.

And the action after that even more resounding until that council or board never think about a new name or going outside of its boundaries ever again.


Radomir Luza
North Hollywood West Neighborhood Council