2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting
2019 MLK Tree Planting


Sunday, January 20, 2019 dawned bright and beautiful as 200 plus volunteers converged upon Jamie Beth Slaven Park for the Tu B’Shvat or the “New Year of the Trees” and MLK Day of Service. The event was hosted by City Plants with Councilmember Paul Krekorian, the Department of Recreation and Parks, LADWP, and the Conservation Corps.

NoHo West was on hand providing refreshments and information on how to get involved in the NoHo West Neighborhood Council. After welcoming remarks, participants planted 70 new trees in the park.

“We are so excited to see the community come together and improve our jewel of a park with trees that will grow to bring shade and beauty to our neighborhood. That is what the Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service is all about, building community,” said NoHo West President Carol Rose.