A VERY special THANK YOU to all who participated in today’s NoHoWest Neighborhood Council’s Clean-Up and CD2′s Tree Planting events. We can all be proud of what we accomplished. With the participation of the Hollywood/LA Beautification Team, with the Million Trees LA, and support from the CD2 Office and KMart, we planted some 30+ Magnolia and Plum trees along Sherman Way between Coldwater and Ethel, trimmed the existing trees, and cleaned up a whole bunch of papers and trash. Another team headed northward toward Saticoy and used a lot of elbow grease to initiate a cleanup in that area, as well.

All that hard work REALLY shows. “Before and After” photos have been posted on the Basic Car 15A21 website by NoHoWest Beautification Committee Chairperson Nancy Characky and show what a difference we can all make by working together. If you do not have access to that website and you live in the NH LAPD 15A21 Patrol Area please send your name, street address, and e-mail address to us and we will send you an invitation (with site access password) to that website. One of Nancy’s photos is attached here showing part of the cleanup team with CD2 Councilman Paul Krekorian, along with the first Magnolia tree that was planted today. Once Again, thanks to everyone who who gave up this beautiful Saturday morning to work together to make our neighborhood a better place for all. NoHoWest Neighborhood Council Nancy Characky, Beautification Chair Vince Stamboni, Secretary
Clean-Up and Tree Planting Crew with Councilman Paul Krekorian