Elected Officials
City Council, District 2, Adrin Nazarian
LAUSD School Board, District 6, Kelly Gonez
County Supervisor, District 3, Lindsey Horvath
State Senate, District 27, Henry Stern
State Assembly, District 43, Celeste Rodriguez
US Congress, District 29, Luz Rivas
Community Resources
Alert LA County Los Angeles County has implemented an emergency mass notification system that will be used to contact County residents and businesses via recorded phone messages, text messages or e-mail messages in case of emergency, such as evacuation.
City of Los Angeles
The official web site of the City of Los Angeles. Information on department and mayoral projects and initiatives.
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment/EmpowerLA (DONE)
Resources for Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils. Promotes public participation in government to make government more responsive to local needs by creating, nurturing, and supporting a city wide system of grass-roots, independent, and participatory neighborhood councils.
An insider look at LA. This site provides news about Neighborhood Councils, DONE and interactions with City Council.
East Valley Animal Shelter serves our community with adoptions for abandoned and unwanted pets, and also tips to help take better care of your own pets.
Los Angeles Fire Department
Statewide emergency bulletins, emergency preparedness information.
Los Angeles Police Department
E-policing The E-Policing program enables Senior Lead Officers, Area Captains, and detectives to e-mail newsletters, crime trends and other important information to you.
Nixle Sign up for emergency alerts directly from the Los Angeles Police Department to your mobile phone or email.
Street Racing? Call Valley Traffic at 818-644-8000 immediately upon hearing racers or seeing them gather.
Los Angeles County Online
The official web site for Los Angeles County. Access to county resources, projects and news.
Early Notification System (ENS)
Access to LA government agenda and meeting information. Agendas and other pertinent information are e-mailed directly to anyone who asks to receive them.